Vishwakarma Jayanti

Vishwakarma Jayanti is believed to be the day when Lord Viswakarma appeared on earth. He is known as the God of Architecture. In Hindu religion, God Vishwakarma is believed to be the divine architect of the universe and the divine carpenter. His name first appears in the Rigveda and is also credited with Sthapatya Veda, the science of mechanics and architecture.

LEGEND ~ Puranas say that Vishwakarma created this universe. Viswakarma is also supposed to have built Dwarka overnight. During the time of the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna is said to have lived in Dwarka, and made it his "Karma Bhumi" (center of operation). This land now located in today's Gujarat has become a well known pilgrimage for the Hindus.

According to mythology, the idol of Lord Jagganath was sculpted by Vishwakarma to fulfill the request of a king. When he was carving the statue, He placed an order that none should open the door until He himself came out when the work was completed. Days passed, but Vishwakarma didn’t open the doors. When the king, unable to resist, entered the room, he found the idol incomplete. Since then the Idol of Lord Jagannath is believed to be worshipped in the same form.

WORSHIP AT WORKPLACE ~ Vishwakarma taught the science of craftsmanship and various. This tradition is still going on as the learned persons teach the art and science of certain creations to deserving persons. People on this day clean their tools and also repair their machines. Statue of Lord Vishwakarma is placed in the compound of industries.

Special pujas are performed on the day in temples. In workplaces, Laborers, artisans, carpenters, craftsmen, mechanics, artists and weavers celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm. On this day the industrialists make a resolution to increase the production and also make changes in their ways of working.

VISHWAKARMA POOJA ~ Another popular Vishwakarma Puja is held after Diwali in Bihar and certain parts of North India. This puja is also offered in the Magh montha (January – February) in North and western parts of India. In Kerala it is also observed on Rishi Panchami day.

Today, it is mainly observed in eastern parts of India – West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa and Tripura. This is the most famous and most important 'Biswakarma Puja' in a year.
