
Id-E-Milad is the celebration of the birthday of Prophet Mohammad. He was born in the city of Mecca in Arabia. This day is also his death anniversary. People celebrate Id-E-Milad as an honour to the Prophet and take the responsibility of spreading the teachings and preaching of Prophet Mohammad. You will find meetings organized and gatherings formed where teachings are discussed and explained. Most of the places see processions with people praising the Prophet.

Tradition and Celebration of Id-E-Milad

  • Muslims gather from the entire city for the special prayer which is like thanksgiving to the God. People, actually thank God for the blessings that he has bestowed on them. On this day, new Imam is appointed and people rejoice over that.
  • People take out processions and shout praises about Prophet Mohammad on the streets.
  • Gatherings are seen where teachings of Prophet Mohammad is discussed and meetings are organized for the same purpose.
  • Children are told about Prophet and his teachings. Most of the Muslim women cook special dishes on this day in their house with an intention of paying tribute to Prophet Mohammad.
  • Houses, streets and mosques are decorated with flags, lightings and buntings.
  • The celebrations keep in gaining momentum and reaches to its peak by the end of the day.
  • Children are seen taking part with enthusiasm and zeal and they also take active part in decorating streets and mosques along with their houses.
  • Children and young people go from door to door to collect funds to celebrate this occasion.
  • Various stalls of badges, stickers, banners and buntings are seen by the side of the streets.
  • Men wear Jubbhas and women wear Abayas so that to show their complete devotion to the religion. This also shows that they are followers of the preaching of Prophet Mohammad. Normally the colours chosen for the specific dress is white and green.

People gather around and celebrate this auspicious day in a unique way. Meeting with different people and taking part in discussions going on in the gatherings are quite commonly seen. Older generation believes in conveying the message of the Prophet to the next generation and the present generation demonstrates its enthusiasm and passion through the shouting and praising that are done while carrying out the procession.

Imams preach that when any person dies it is only his body that gets destroyed. The soul is not harmed or spoiled in any manner. It preaches tolerance and forgiveness. Muslims are expected to grow awareness and are expected to stay awake because Prophet Mohammad has given marvelous teachings to lead glorious lives.

The divine message conveys that every Muslim should go forward fearlessly by sacrificing and by courage so that the social, political and economic position of the Muslims gets raised and more and more Muslims get recognition all over the world and this can also be done by working for the development of science and technology.

The dresses of men and women are traditional and women wear other complimentary things also that match and look good when worn together. Some of the meetings and gatherings are done only by those who wear the traditional dresses. This is considered as emotionally and spiritually stimulating period and Muslims make lot of preparations much before the month starts.
