
Shab-e-barat or Barat Night, is a Muslim holiday celebrated on the 15th night, the night between 14 & 15 of the month of Sha'ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. It commemorates the entry of Muhammad into the city of Mecca.

The Arabic name "Laylat al-Barat" (Arabic: ليلة البراءة‎) means Barat Night where "البراءة" meaning in English is "the quality of being guileless", "without guile or deception". On this night Allah said : ` who wants forgiveness, I will forgive you. Who wants food, I will provide food.` Allah said this over again and again until Fajr.[citation needed] The festival of Shab-e-Barat is celebrated with pomp and enthusiasm by Muslims, mainly in South Asia. For, Muslims believe that on the night of Shab-e-Barat, God writes the destinies of all men and women for the coming year by taking into account the deeds committed by them in the past.It is of hight value to Sunni Muslims It is considered one of the holiest nights on the Islamic Calendar

This is the night that Muslims believe God dispenses the fate of human beings according to their deeds. It is a day of prayer, fasting and festi-vities. It falls on the 15th day of Shaban, the eighth Arabic month.
